Babylon is Falling
World & U.S. Population:
The World Population graph (below) is from Vice President Al Gore's book, Earth in Balance.
United States Population Projections: 2000 to 2050, US Census, 2008-2009
America's uncontrolled immigration -- or deliberate negligence to enforce the international
-line has been likened to an invasion of "barbarians" or slaves. Similar to the causes of the
fall of Roman civilization.
The problems of population combined with declining oil reserves could cause
the world to enter major depression, starvation and chaos.
Graph (above) shows US population
projections with ZERO immigra
Two Child Family Fertility Population 2000-2100 Predictions
Family planning, the Two-Child Family with a Total Fertility Rate of 1.5 children and a limit of
200,000 immigrants per year would bring the United States' population to a
resource-manageable 125
million in 2100
or unmanageable 404 million by 2050!

Because some women have no children, or one, a two-child maximum would mean a total fertility rate
of 1.5. More than 70 percent of (ALL) American women have two or less kids but the other 30 percent
Hispanics) have a fertility rate of 2.99, i.e., 3 kids, which with illegal immigration (again,
mostly Hispanic,
whose children automatically become citizens per the U.S Constitution) = sprawl,
more pollution, garbage, lower wages, higher taxes, fewer jobs,
overcrowded schools, hospitals,
prisons, highways!

The "Unplanned" growth rate conforms to the U.S. Census Bureau's middle projection, which assumes
a net migration of approximately 1,000,000 legal and illegal immigrants/year, however, many say
one-million illegal immigrants/year enter the US or overstay their visas.

The End of Fossil Fuels: Part 2. Twilight or Dawn?, Lindsey Grant, Negative Population
Growth (NPG), November 2004
Decline & Fall of America
To the Editor, Arizona Daily Star, Tucson Arizona  By Raquel Baranow  March 7, 2005 (Unpublished!)
Mexico's population is projected to increase 52% to 139
Million in 2050 or seven times in 100 years (1950-2050)
Mexican Population Projection 1950-2050
Mexican Polulation 1790-1990
World Population Growth Rates
Total births percentage demographic charistics by race and hispanic origin of mother
This chart shows who is to blame for the world's exploding population growth! Note most of the
countries where the shit is going to hit the fan worst and first are Moslem and African. (I may have
missed highlighting some Nations.)
U.S. Birth Rates by Race
This chart shows which race in the United States is popping out the most babies. Many are born to
illegal aliens. Anyone BORN in the U.S. automaticlly becomes a citizen -- it's in The Constitution!
Survey of Voters, race, sex, age education, religion, income, sexual orientation
Idiot Voters in U$A (2006)
Plato considered Democracy as Mob Rule, being one level above tyranny
Olduvai Theory
Percent of males 18 to 39 in United States by Nativity, education, ethnicity
Children of Immigrants Commit More Crime
1-in-15 kids in U.S. has illegal immigrant parent, report says
racial and ethnic composition United States 1970-2050
Percent foreign born by region of birth 1960-2007
The illegal Mexican immigrants, who drive American worker’s wages down, may be hard
workers but the many children they produce, who automatically become U.S. citizens more
frequently drop out of high school, join gangs, and destroy America’s quality of life.

Computer genius, Bill Gates recently urged our Nation’s Governors to publish data showing the
percentage of children who drop out of high school or go on to college, broken down by race and
income. ("Microsoft chairman challenges Governors to improve high schools," New York Times, Feb.
27, 2005).

Recent statistics from the middle-class suburban Chicago high school I attended indicate that more
than 70 percent
of Black students and more than 60 percent of Hispanic students did not meet state
standards on student achievement tests whereas, only 10 percent of the Whites failed. And the trend
showed the minority students’ intelligence declining.

* There are an estimated 8 to 13 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. Rome fell from a
similar influx of "barbarians."

* Approximately 12 percent of the U.S. population is foreign born; about the same percentage as in the
Netherlands where the children of the immigrants join gangs, disrupt school and make up more than 50
percent of the prison population. To provide a decent environment for their children, many rich Dutch
are fleeing to Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ("More Dutch plan to emigrate as Muslim influx tips
scales," New York Times, Feb. 27, 2005)

* Governor Janet Napolitano told the U.S. attorney general to pay Arizona $118 million for housing
illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. One in nine prisoners in Arizona are illegal entrants. ("Governor:
U.S. owes for inmate entrants," Star, Feb. 9, 2005.) No telling how many inmates are the children of
illegal immigrants.

* Illegal immigration costs Arizonans $1.3 billion a year, nearly 20 times more than it did just a decade
ago. ("Report: Illegal entrants cost state $1.3 billion per year," Star, June 4, 2004.)

* The children of immigrants smuggled into the US from Central America by the likes of Tucson’s
Sanctuary movement learned to be gangsters in Los Angles. Somehow deported, these juvenile
delinquents are now committing horrendous crimes in Honduras and Guatemala, where they are
accused of killing 28 in a machine gun attack on a bus and dumping decapitated heads in the streets
with notes telling president Ricardo Maduro to stop his anti-gang crackdown. ("Gunmen kill 28 on bus
in Honduras; street gangs blamed," New York Times, Dec. 25, 2004; "Executions alleged in gang
crackdown," Star, Mar. 7, 2005.

* Hispanics and Blacks are twice as likely to belong to gangs than Whites. ("Once-quiet farm town
plagued by shootings," Star, Oct. 31, 2004.)

* Two decades’ growth in the supply of immigrant workers cost native-born American men an average
$1700 in annual wages. ("Immigration costs U.S. men," Star, May 4, 2004.)* By 2050, one quarter of
the U.S. population will be Hispanic and Whites will constitute only 50 percent. Hispanics will have
increased their population 188 percent against a seven percent increase by Whites and this does not
take into consideration what I believe is the true impact of illegal immigration.